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Families sleeping in a public space could be arrested.

The Supreme Court of the United States ruled in Grants Pass v Johnson that individuals experiencing homelessness can be fined or arrested for sleeping outside even if there is not enough shelter space available. This is a sad day for our community and all of us who know people who are experiencing homelessness. Providing a community response to homelessness means that we strive to engage the community to raise the dignity of every human being. Unfortunately this ruling allows municipalities to pass that ordinances that will contribute to the dehumanizing, and stigmatizing of those experiencing homelessness.

Arresting people or fining them for experiencing homelessness is not a solution to homelessness. It is our sincere hope that municipalities in Waukesha County will refrain from enacting ordinances that will be detrimental to the most vulnerable in our community. Further we hope that friends of Family Promise of Waukesha County, will join us in in promoting solutions to homelessness. Solutions to address the overwhelming issue of homelessness include:

  • expanding the availability of affordable housing,

  • encourages landlords to accept housing vouchers,

  • provides significant resources to for mental health and addiction issues,

  • focuses on jobs that allow single income families to live and flourish in Waukesha County and

  • addressing 'not in my backyard 'attitudes.

Anyone who has volunteered with Family Promise of Waukesha County and has eaten a meal with a family experiencing homelessness knows first hand that criminalizing homelessness will exacerbate the problem. Arresting them or fining will only exacerbate will add obstacles to their housing search. Having more debt and/or a criminal record create additional obstacles to housing.

If your community decides to pass an ordinance, those families will need our voice to say this is not helpful in the long-run. We cannot truly serve families experiencing homelessness unless we also advocate for policies that give them a chance to escape poverty and homelessness. Criminalizing their plight is not the answer.

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