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The Family Promise Five is a weekly update that focuses on the FIVE topics, issues, events, volunteer opportunities or needs of Family Promise Waukesha County. This communication will update, inform and advocate for families who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness. Here is the Family Promise Five for June 16, 2024.

Our mission is to help low-income families and families experiencing homelessness achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response.


The Family Promise Five for June 16 are:



"Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, storytellers, and singers of song."

– Unknown



This week United Way of Greater Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties spent some time with Courtney and a family preparing a video for their fall campaign. Maria celebrated her second anniversary with a staff lunch and a game of bags.


The wealth gap . . .



Prevention, Shelter and Diversion are Current Focus of FP Waukesha 


With a fair amount of change over the past few years it is important to keep you up to date on our services and ways you can be engaged. 

There are four core programs that Family Promise national recommends for each affiliate. Those programs are: (1) Eviction (Homelessness)Prevention (2) Shelter Diversion (3) Shelter (4) Stabilization. Some affiliates will offer other housing programs such as Transitional Housing or Permanent Supportive Housing. Here is a brief update on the services we offer:

Family Homelessness Prevention Program

Our prevention program has served 22 unique families as of May 31. We have implemented a new process and recently hired a new Intake Coordinator (Chiamaka Obinna). In 2024 we have had more requests for assistance with mortgages and car repairs than past years. 

One way you can get involved is by helping with a habitability assessment. Volunteers accompany a staff member to visit a client's home to ensure that the residence is approved for human habitation. Contact Joe if interested in helping.

Apartment Shelter Program

We lease five apartments which are used to provide shelter. Two new families will be coming into the program over the next two weeks. Besides new families, we are looking to add a sixth apartment in Oconomowoc, purchase a facility in Waukesha for a non-congregate shelter and add volunteer groups for the meal program.

You can get involved by:

  • helping us find a landlord willing to lease to us

  • suggesting land, location or four family to purchase for a permanent shelter

  • providing meals on Wednesday nights

Shelter Diversion

Diversion is assistance provided to families who are homeless but have not entered shelter. The purpose is to act quickly and help families resolve their housing issues creatively without having to enter shelter. Some strategies utilized to help families avoid shelter are: 

  • security deposits and first month rent

  • temporary hotel stay

  • mediation between tenant and landlord 

  • incentivizing a landlord to accept a tenant with a recent eviction

  • covering moving/storage costs 

  • developing a mediation process for landlords and tenants before eviction

  • providing legal representation during eviction 

We received a grant of $200,000 per year for five years to pilot this program. Currently in the process of building the foundation of the program which includes staff, developing data and benchmarks, reviewing intake, developing strategies to make sure we are identifying all families experiencing homelessness.



Now Hiring: Operations Coordinator   


Family Promise of Waukesha County is seeking an Operations Coordinator. This individual will support the continued growth of our organization. This new role will encompass a variety of responsibilities. The successful candidate will be a person who is proficient in three areas:

1.)Hospitality and Client Assessment (as the first point of contact) 

2.)Bookkeeping and Administration 

3.)Facilities and Operations

Responsibilities will include:

  • Serving as the first point of contact for clients, volunteers, and donors

  • Providing administrative support

  • Assisting with the day to day operations

  • Helping with the bookkeeping 

  • Processing donations and managing our donor database

  • Ensuring for basic maintenance of our facilities

Most important skills are to be:

  • People person who has is able to provide compassion to vulnerable families

  • Organized and detail oriented

  • Has experience in bookkeeping

To apply for this position please send your resume and cover letter to Joe Nettesheim.

Position will  be open until filled.



Decision to determine if homelessness is a crime.


It is expected that the Supreme Court will rule soon (before the end of June) on the case of Grants Pass v. Johnson. This case takes up the issue if municipalities have the right to criminalize homelessness. The basis of the arguments rest on whether or not homelessness is a status or behavior. Behavior can be criminalized. To jail an individual for their status is considered cruel and unusual punishment. Listening to the Supreme Court arguments are fascinating. Albeit a very long conversation we recommend that you spend some to listen to the arguments- even if it is a portion. The arguments reveal how a very complicated issue. The questions from the justices and attorney responses underscore the many complexities of this decision. It is an important ruling because it will influence how communities can approach homelessness in the future. 

One observation is that listening to the debate underscores how poorly our society has responded to the issue of homelessness. The underlying issues that lead to homelessness, are going unaddressed. We can make a short list: low paying jobs, high rent, addiction, mental health issues, lack of affordable housing. Regardless of the ruling, what we do know is that criminalizing homelessness is not an answer. We hope you will spend some time learning about the issue so that if your municipality ever decides to pass an ordinance criminalizing homelessness you will be informed on the issue and be able to advocate for those experiencing homelessness.



Schools play an important role in identifying families experiencing homelessness


As we start a Shelter Diversion program one of our first goals is to improve our relationships with schools throughout Waukesha County. It is often the teacher or social worker who first become alerted to families experiencing a housing crisis. It is this relationship with the Oconomowoc Area School District that has led to Family Promise of Waukesha County working to add an Apartment Shelter in Oconomowoc.

This video from Schoolhouse Connection lays out why education is crucial in addressing homelessness.

Joe Nettesheim and Barbara Duffield, Executive Director of Schoolhouse Connection will be conducting a workshop on Thought Leadership a the Family Promise National Conference Reignite, in October.



Millionaires in the United States grew 7.3% in 2023


The number of millionaires in the United States grew 7.3% in 2023 according to a new study by Capgemini. For this study millionaires was defined as anyone who has investments whose value is more than $1 million not including primary residence. At the same time the number of individuals experiencing homelessness grew by 12% from 2022 to 2023 according to the Housing and Urban Development using the bi-annual Point In Time Count. The expanding gap between those who have and those who do not is a significant contributing factor to poverty and homelessness. It is difficult to see a significant portion of the population positioning themselves for long-term success while others remain mired in poverty.

The old adage that it takes money to make money remains true today. On a regular basis we see our clients having to pay more for money than others. This is true when a client is trying to secure a car loan or a credit card. An inconsistent financial past means a family experiencing poverty is a bigger financial risk. Lenders mitigate that risk with a higher interest rate or denying an individual with a shaky financial past or denying them altogether. It is not unusual to encounter clients who, out of desperation, have taken a high interest or predatory loan that makes it virtually impossible for them to have a new start.

It is unlikely that any of this is news. It is why we expect families in both the shelter and prevention programs participate in a financial literacy seminar. It is still a daunting task for many- some of whom do will not be patient when it feels that survival depends on that loan.

At some point we have to ask ourselves when is enough enough? According to Oxfam the wealthiest 1% of the world own 43% of global financial assets. One of the seven Social Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church suggest that for justice to thrive, there needs to be a preferential option for the poor. Meaning that it is essential, as a society to ensure that the needs of everyone are met. Imagine the impact on hunger and homelessness that would occur if that was embraced.



The Wealth Gap . . .

  • 0%Rewards those who are most productive

  • 0%Keeps those who are poor in poverty

  • 0%Will lead to an oligarchy

  • 0%The natural result of capitalism and a free market

You can vote for more than one answer.


Five Plus


Congratulations to Maria who celebrated her second anniversary at Family Promise of Waukesha County on June 13. Thank you for your service Maria!


This is a celebration of when over 250,000 enslaved black people were freed in Galveston Texas. Even though the Emancipation Proclamation freed enslaved people much earlier the reality did not occur until June 19. This is a great day for our entire country. Learn more about Juneteenth Day.


Over the next few weeks we will thank all of our golf outing sponsors. Please use their services and let them know you appreciate their support of families experiencing homelessness.


Thank you to all of these birdie level sponsors of the Golf Outing. Your generosity will change the lives of families experiencing homelessness! Please use the services of these companies who care about families experiencing homelessness in Waukesha County and let them know you appreciate their support!

Visit this page to see all of our



June 17 Board of Trustees Meeting

June 19 FP Apartment Shelter Meal  Location: Day Center Oakwood Church

June 21 Bezos Grant Weekly Check-In

June 24 Staff Meeting

June 26 FP Apartment Shelter Meal  Location: Day Center First Congregation UCC

June 30 Presentation at Bethlehem Lutheran

July 4 Independence Day- Offices Closed

July 17-18 Home for Everyone Conference starring Courtney, Maria and Joe

July 22 Golf Outing



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