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The Family Promise Five is a weekly update that focuses on the FIVE topics, issues, events, volunteer opportunities or needs of Family Promise Waukesha County. This communication will update, inform and advocate for families who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness. Here is the Family Promise Five for July 26, 2024.

Our mission is to help low-income families and families experiencing homelessness achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response.


The Family Promise Five for July 26th are:





This week's photos highlight our golf outing from this past Monday, July 22nd! It was a fantastic event filled with fun and we raised lots of money for those experiencing homelessness. We are incredibly grateful to the volunteers and sponsors who made the event so memorable! Congratulations to Matt and Laura Ottusch and Cindy and Jeff Thiel for winning the event.


With all the changes over the past few years, what aspect of Family Promise of Waukesha County do you like best?


1. $111,500!

Golf Outing Great Success!

Fund Development

The Family Promise of Waukesha County Golf Outing set a fundraising record with a total of $111,500! Our goal was $100,000. These funds will be used to support the Apartment Shelter Program and the Family Homelessness Prevention Program. We estimate that we will net around $80,000. Together these funds will support:

  • 5 families in shelter with case management for 4 months and

  • 30 families with one month rent assistance

Thank you to all who generously support families experiencing homelessness through the outing, especially all of our sponsors! Sponsorships accounted for 48% of our total.

Green Bay Packaging-Baird Division not only were the Master/Presenting Sponsor, but they also designed all the signs and our door symbolic of how families can move past the locked door of homelessness to home through the generosity of our community. Their manager Timm Rutkowski has been incredibly supportive and we are fortunate to have the commitment of Mike Bagatta and his design skills. Our sponsors were:

Thank you to our planning committee , especially Patti Ewald who served as the chair of the outing. Her drive, passion, and commitment to excellence is inspiring. Committee members were: Claire Bessette, Dan and Mary Budde, Marcia Burke, Patti Ewald, Patrice Hoffbauer, Cindy Meckl, Maria Mundt, Joe Nettesheim, Rob Retzlaff, Jeff Thiel, and Jamie Zussman. Additional volunteers were Skitch and Dororthy Bennett, Maribeth Nettesheim, Jodee Satteler, and Lisa Smits.

Thank you to those who donated auction items, and raffle prizes. Grateful to Larry andTheresa Schmidt for providing the condo to Steamboat Springs, Doug Jarecki for a Night of Improv and the Board of Trustees for the Chef Inspired Dinner at Coco's Steakhouse.

Finally, Doug Jarecki who MC'd the event and was an excellent auctioneer. And we owe a debt of gratitude to Dan Herda, who volunteered to take photos for the entire day!

We are humbled by the commitment and generosity of so many. Thank you!



Two families entered shelter this week


It was a busy week! Besides the golf outing, two families entered the Apartment Shelter Program and one family was enrolled in the Shelter Diversion Program. Starting the Shelter Diversion Program has challenged us to revise our approach to intake. When a family calls seeking shelter our first task is to explore if they have an alternative to shelter.

Some of these alternatives would include doubling up with a family member or friend and then seeking how we can support that situation. If this is not realistic, then we bring the family into shelter. All referrals to Family Promise of Waukesha County are self-referrals. Meaning that even if we receive a call from someone recommending a family is accepted into the shelter, we speak with the family before making any commitment.

Regardless of the program a family best fits, all families are able to receive case management. The goal is to secure permanent, independent housing for all families in need.



Documentary about homelessness coming to Milwaukee


"Housing is not only the most effective solution to homelessness, it is the most cost effective solution to homelessness."

You are invited to a free screening, panel discussion, and Q&A about a new film designed to spark community-wide conversations about how to solve homelessness in municipalities nationwide. Beyond the Bridge: A Solution to Homelessness, will be shown Thursday, August 1 at the Varsity Theatre on the campus of Marquette University (1326 W Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee).

Several Milwaukee citizens are speaking in the film, so we encourage you to come and take part in a "town hall" celebration and discussion on what needs to happen next to further Milwaukee's progress on addressing homelessness.

Following this special screening, Derek Mosley, Director of Marquette University Law's Lubar Center will moderate a panel conversation with James Mathy, Housing Administrator for Milwaukee County, film participant and consultant Jeffrey Stingley, consultant Robert Itzin, Amy Lindner, President and CEO of United Way, and Wendy Weckler, Executive Director of Hope House. We will also be joined this evening by Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley.

We need everyone to be a part of answering the question: How can Milwaukee (Waukesha) further eliminate homelessness in a comprehensive way?



With all the changes over the past few years, what aspect of Family Promise of Waukesha County do you like best?

  • 0%Apartment Shelter Program

  • 0%Family Homelessness Prevention

  • 0%New Shelter Diversion Program

  • 0%Stabilization Program

You can vote for more than one answer.



Governor Newsom orders encampments on state grounds cleared


California Governor Newsom has, "ordered state agencies Thursday to start removing homeless encampments on state land in his boldest action yet following a Supreme Court ruling allowing cities to enforce bans on sleeping outside in public spaces."

According to the article, "Newsom touted that his administration has spent roughly $24 billion cleaning up streets and housing people but acknowledged the persistent issue."

What housing advocates argue is that the solution to homelessness is not clearing the encampment or arresting those who are homeless. The solution is housing. Even those of us who provide shelter know that shelter is not the long term answer. Until there is a recognition that a commitment to affordable housing is made by all: government, business, and members of the community, then homelessness will persist. Clearing encampments is simply an exercise of throwing leaves into the wind. It has been said, "If you do not want a housing solution in your backyard, you will have homelessness in your front yard."



NLIHC publishes Out of Reach


The National Low Income Housing Coalition published its annual report titled: Out of Reach. This report surveys counties throughout the country to determine the gap between wages and housing affordability. According to the report, in order to afford a two bedroom apartment in Wisconsin, an individual must earn $21.71 an hour. If a person was paid the minimum wage, they would need to work 97 hours a week to afford the same unit. In the Milwaukee - West Allis - Waukesha corridor, that amount increases to $22.50 per hour.

Reviewing this page shows what common jobs pay in Wisconsin per hour and the type of housing that profession can afford.


Five Plus


We are completely out of gift cards for gas, groceries, and supplies. Please consider a donation of gift cards to Pick N Save, Kwik Trip, or Target in denominations of $10 or $25. Gift cards can be dropped off at our Day Center (139 E North St Waukesha, WI 53188) or mailed (PO Box 66 Waukesha, WI 53187).


Our search for a Family Advocate and an Office Coordinator continues. Please share these opportunities with your network. One can apply by submitting a cover letter and resume via email to



July 29 Finance Committee

July 30 Meeting with School Social Workers

Aug 28 Getting Ahead: Bridging Seminar

Aug 29 United Way of Greater Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties Campaign Kickoff



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