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Updated: 18 hours ago

October 7, 2024

The Family Promise Five is a weekly newsletter communication whose purpose is to update, inform and advocate for families who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness.

Our mission is to help low-income families and families experiencing homelessness achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response.


In this edition you will find these stories:



Humility is not a weak trait, but a trait of the strong, the humble don’t act superior towards others because they know their own worth.

-Maria V. Snyder



Photos of the week include images from:

  1. Impact Night hosted by Mike and Amanda Hallquist on September 26. This evening was an opportunity to share information about the mission of Family Promise of Waukesha County.

  2. Alpha Xi Delta-Beta PSI, a sorority from Carroll University who brought care packages for families experiencing homelessness.

  3. Winter Glow sponsored by the Community Action Coalition of Southcentral Wisconsin. Our families were able to receive winter clothing. We had a table and were able to share information about our agency.

  4. St. Jerome, Oconomowoc Women's Club provided a car load of much needed supplies!


What is the most signifcant event in the history of Family Promise of Waukesha County?



Join us for our 10th Anniversary Trivia Night on October 25.


An invitation to celebrate our 10 year anniversary from Executive Director Joe Nettesheim.

You are invited to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of Family Promise of Waukesha County! Join us as we honor all those who created, supported and have given this agency the ability to serve over 450 families experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness.  Here are some details.

Date:  Friday, October 25 


First Congregational UCC 

815 Concord Ave 

Oconomowoc, WI 53066

Time: 6pm

Hors d’oeuvres:

You will be served wine, beer, soda, and water

Hor d’oeuvres will include: pork and chicken barbecue sliders, cowboys beans, mac and cheese, nacho chips, charcuterie bowls and dessert


To celebrate and have fun there will be a few rounds of trivia interspersed with stories and the presentation of our Founders Award. Our MC will be Doug Jarecki. Music provided by Chad Griesel and Greg Flaherty.



$400/ trivia team of 6 people



What is the most significant event in the history of Family Promise of Waukesha County

  • 0%The community meeting in 2012 that started the organization.

  • 0%Securing a Day Center in Wales

  • 0%Recruiting 28 congregations to host/ support families

  • 0%Decision to serve the entire county



Maria Mundt taking on additional responsibilities


Family Promise of Waukesha County is pleased to announce that Maria Mundt has been named the Director of Operations. Maria joined our team in May of 2022. Over the past two years, she has demonstrated that she is dependable, committed to families experiencing homelessness, organized, has a keen attention to detail, and willing to learn. All of these characteristics make her a perfect fit for this new role. As Director of Operations Maria will be involved in the day to day operations, fund development, program design, data collection, outreach to prospective partners as well as volunteer recruitment/training. Adding these responsibilities to her work is directly related to the fact that Family Promise of Waukesha County continues to expand our programs, the number of families served and funds necessary to achieve our mission.

Congratulations, Maria! We are grateful to have her on our team.



A Story of What it Might Be Like for a Family Experiencing Homelessness


Ever wonder how a family makes it day to day while living in their car? Just take a moment to think about your own routine and the tasks of your day. How would you accomplish them while living in a car? While this is a fictional account, it is based on stories we have been told by people who have experienced homelessness.

6:00 am Wake up

There are no shades in your car so as soon as the sun comes up you are awake. It’s ok though because there is a lot to do before your two children are ready for school and you can head to work. You feel a sense of relief that the police didn’t stop to speak with you at 2:30am like they did the night before. This parking lot behind a box store is a good place to park the car for the night.



Join us for a community conversation about the criminalization of homelessness


You are invited to participate in a discussion about the criminalization of homelessness. This panel will be held on Wednesday, October 23 at 6:30pm at the Waukesha Public Library. 

This past spring Wisconsin State Assembly Bill 669 was passed and ultimately vetoed by Governor Evers. This bill would have allowed municipalities to arrest or fine those experiencing homelessness for sleeping in a public place. It would also withhold funds to social service agencies whose level of success does not meet state benchmarks. In addition the Supreme Court of the United States issued a ruling in June in favor of Grants Pass, a community that enacted an ordinance to criminalize homelessness.

For this reason we would like to gather community members to discuss these issues. Our panel will include government officials, law enforcement and service providers. Current panelists are:

  • Officer Jason Fink, City of Waukesha Police Department

  • Mike Hallquist, City of Brookfield Common Council

  • Alicia Halvensleben, City of Waukesha Common Council

  • Brad Schimel, Circuit Court Judge and former District Attorney for Waukesha County

  • Representatives of local service providers to be announced

RSVP is not mandatory but will be helpful to plan for the event.



October 21-25 promote the impact Family Promise has had on homeless families across the country


Family Promise Week has been scheduled for October 21- 25, 2024. This annual week-long event aims to celebrate the collective work of Family Promise Affiliates, engage communities, and raise awareness about the challenges of family homelessness. Family Promise also aims to use this event to work towards systemic change for those that we serve through intentional advocacy.

At Family Promise of Waukesha County we will celebrate our ten year anniversary this week. Here are ways you can participate in Family Promise Week!

  • Volunteer for Project Homeless Connect on October 22

  • Participate in the panel discussion on the criminalization of homelessness on Wednesday, October 23

  • Join us for our 10 Year Anniversary celebration on Friday, October 25

  • In this election year take some time to learn about legislative issues that could support families experiencing homelessness and then make sure to vote for candidates whose policies support families experiencing homelessness.

  • Post on social media statistics about family homelessness in Waukesha County (or re-post our posts during that week.)

  • Create a Night Without A Bed party. Sleep in your car, on the floor, sofa, porch, or in a tent with friends or family to be in solidarity with families experiencing homelessness. Or do it on your own and post on social media to raise awareness of families experiencing homelessness.

  • Help us find a landlord in Oconomowoc willing to work with Family Promise to provide an Apartment Shelter Unit for families facing housing insecurity.

  • Make a financial gift. 



Let's Do Lunch

You are invite to join Sophia and Family Promise of Waukesha County for lunch and conversation on October 29. This lunch and learn will provide an overview of housing vouchers and how they benefit our community especially landlords. The presentation will be made by the Metropolitan Milwaukee Fair Housing Council. Review the flyer for more information or call Sophia for questions. 414-758-1148


Oct 9 Weekly Meal- St. Theresa, Eagle

Oct 14 Trivia Night Planning Meeting

Oct 14 Staff Meeting

Oct 15 Shelter Diversion Advisory Council

Oct 15 Waukesha Service Provider Strategic Planning

Oct 15 Program Committee Meeting

Oct 16 Weekly Meal- Group Needed

Oct 21-25 Family Promise Week

Oct 21 Board of Trustees - Day Center

Oct 23 Family Promise Forum: Discuss on the Criminalization of homelessness

Oct 29 Lunch and Learn



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