November 29, 2024

The Family Promise Five is a weekly newsletter whose purpose is to update, inform and advocate for families who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness.
The mission of Family Promise of Waukesha County is to help low-income families and families experiencing homelessness achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response.
In this edition you will find these stories:

This week instead of a poll, we want to give you an opportunity to ask a question about the mission, services, philosophy about Family Promise of Waukesha County or the issues that families facing homelessness are facing. Add your question below and we will answer them in a future FP Five. Thank you!
Help raise $150,000 to support families experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness.
Fund Development

The Family Promise of Waukesha County annual end of the year campaign officially begins Tuesday, December 3- Giving Tuesday. Our theme this year is A Place to Call Home. As former guest Carly says in this video when you are experiencing homelessness, your sole focus is on survival.
Housing fulfills a basic need. Homelessness has devastating consequences. Families and children without housing have higher rates of depression and anxiety, less access to health care, more likely to drop out of school, and are exposed to more instances of violence.
The effects of homelessness impact all of us- they reverberate through every aspect of our society. Health care professionals often refer to homelessness as one of the social indicators of health.
It does not have to be this way. We know that the solution to homelessness is housing. At Family Promise of Waukesha County we are supporting families as they work to change their lives. They receive a second chance because of the community based services we offer. With your support we are able to prevent homelessness or provide shelter to those who have already lost their home.

We need your help to continue this important work. Our goal is to raise $150,000 over the next month. The fact is the number of families served is in direct proportion to the resources we have to assist them. We humbly ask you to consider a gift to help financially vulnerable families.
What families need most this holiday season is: A Place to Call Home. You can help provide it.

Volunteer opportunities for both groups and volunteers.
Family Promise of Waukesha County is working collaboratively with other Waukesha County housing agencies to provide a winter emergency overflow shelter(EOS). With limited funding for this program, we are relying on volunteers more than ever. Currently the shelter is scheduled to be open from Mid December to the end of February. Here are some ways you can support the EOS.

Make + Serve Meals
Seeking congregations, civic groups, book clubs, card clubs, neighborhoods, businesses, families who will make meals to serve 8-15 people Sunday through Friday.
Transport guests to/from EOS to Family Promise or Hope Center
Drivers would commit 30-40 minutes to transport singles and families in the morning or evening. Drive times are 7am, 5pm and 7pm. Drivers would use the Family Promise Transit van.
Provide support for the families at the Day Center.
Be present to be a helper to families in the Day Center. Volunteers might help with apartment or job searches, do and art or craft with the children, help with lunch or just be available.
Collect food and supplies for breakfast and lunch
Groups could conduct a supply drive for items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, body wash, hair conditioner, deodorant, shaving cream, razors, diapers (all sizes), wipes, and cleaning supplies.
Or a food drive with items such as: breakfast bars, mini muffins (individually wrapped), go-gurt, mac and cheese, soup, peanut-butter, jelly, pretzels/chips, ramen noodles, applesauce, canned fruit, jerky, canned meat, microwavable frozen pizza. Our Day Center is only able to heat items in a microwave.
To learn more we invite you to join us for an informational meeting
Thursday, December 5 at 11 am - MS Teams Meeting
A link will be sent once you sign up using the form.
Monday, December 9 at 6 pm - MS Teams Meeting
1210 Sentry Dr.
Waukesha, WI 53186
To get involved and indicate your interest in attending an information meeting please complete the Volunteer Interest Form.
Help low-income families to celebrate this holiday season.

We are still in need of holiday gifts for 47 individuals in our Holiday Gift Giving Project.
You are invited to sponsor an individual or family. As a sponsor you would be asked to provide gifts for the individual or family that you select.
On the sign up genius, each entry provides the gender, age and hobbies/likes for each person. The family number is also listed so you can see which individuals belong together. Review the list and then place your name next to the individual(s) you want to sponsor. If you want to sponsor an entire family put your name next to everyone in the family.
You can participate in the holiday gift giving project as an individual, business, congregation, family, or group.
Please use the following guidelines:
Register to sponsor an individual or family using the sign-up genius page. On each entry the gender, age and hobbies/likes for that individual.
You can participate as an individual, family or group.
Once you are signed up, purchase a gift that best fits that individual(s).
Use their likes/hobbies as your guide.
Please do not spend more than $100 on any individual.
We recommend four gifts for children and two gifts for adults.
Deliver gifts to the Family Promise of Waukesha County Day Center no later than Dec 9.
Gifts should be dropped off unwrapped, with a tag that includes the family number, age and gender of the individual for whom that gift is intended.
Do not spend more than $100 on any individual.
Gift cards can be purchased for an adult.
If you order a gift online you can elect to gave them delivered directly to the Family Promise of Waukesha County Day Center 139 E North Street Waukesha, WI 53188.
We are also seeking volunteers for the Holiday Family Party on Saturday, December 14 from 9:30am- 1pm. Help with arts and crafts, food, or gift wrapping !
Unable to attend but want to support the party? Here is our wish list of items to ensure we have a successful event.
Questions? Please contact Maria Mundt: maria@familypromisewaukeshawi.org
The community steps forward providing resources appearing when you least expect it.
We continue the dialogue about our 10 year history. Joe Nettesheim sat down to discuss the evolution of this organization with four individuals who have been involved at different times of our history. Thank you to:
David Tennyck, former Executive Director
Mariha Stewart, former Executive Director
Marjore Thomson, former Chairperson of the Board of Directors
Joe DeKlotz former Chairperson of the Board of Directors
In this episode the discussion focused on how often when we were uncertain how a project was going to work someone stepped forward. It seemed to be more than a coincidence. As a non-profit organization we rely 100% on the generosity of the community. Their generosity in providing their time; their generosity in providing their talent; their generosity in sharing their finances. Without this commitment we may not have been able to celebrate 10 Years.
Our staff reflects on gratitude and thankfulness
This week we asked our staff two questions:
What are you thankful for?
What does it mean to live a life of gratitude.
Here are their answers.
Thank you for the many ways you show your kindness, empathy, and support for families experiencing homelessness.
'Twas The Month Before Christmas

Local playwright and actor (and Family Promise Trivia Night emcee) Doug Jarecki delivers a hilarious and heartwarming holiday treat!
‘Twas The Month Before Christmas takes a UNIQUE look at Joseph and Mary, the three kings, and the innkeeper in the month leading up to that magical night in Bethlehem. This "smart, funny and sweet production" is sure to put you in the holiday spirit.
Nov 29 Thanksgiving holiday- Offices Closed
Dec 2 Staff Huddle
Dec 3 Giving Tuesday
Dec 4 Oconomowoc Women's Club
Dec 4 Shelter Weekly Meal
Dec 5 EOS Volunteer Orientation Meeting 11 am via Teams
Dec 9 FP Executive Committee
Dec 9 Staff Meeting
Dec 9 Housing Action Coalition Exec Committee
Dec 9 EOS Volunteer Meeting 6pm 1210 Sentry Dr.
Dec 11 Shelter Weekly Meal
Dec 16 FP Board of Trustees

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