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December 9, 2024

The Family Promise Five is a weekly newsletter whose purpose is to update, inform and advocate for families who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness.

The mission of Family Promise of Waukesha County is to help low-income families and families experiencing homelessness achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response.


In this edition you will find these stories:




Recently, there have been a number of posts on Linked-In, criticizing the approach of non-profits in their fundraising efforts. It made us stop and think how our efforts are perceived. Therefore, our poll this week is: What word best describes your impression of how Family Promise of Waukesha County approaches fundraising?


It is important to us to make sure that all those who partner with us in serving families experiencing homelessness are aware of our mission and services. Therefore, we want to give you an opportunity to submit any question you may have. Perhaps you have a question about programs/services, finances and fund raising efforts, homelessness in Waukesha, the Winter Overflow, or even how one can become a board or committee member.

Whatever it may be we will do our best to answer in an upcoming edition of the FP Five. Thank you!



Water damage to the facility will delay the opening until after the new year.


The opening of the Winter Emergency Overflow Shelter (EOS) has been delayed until after the new year because of water damage to the facility. A water pipe burst causing significant damage. This is especially disappointing as the shelter was already going to operate under a limited capacity due to a shortage of funding for the Housing Action Coalition of Waukesha County. The building is in need of water remediation prior to operation. A water remediation specialist has been to the facility to gauge the work that needs to be done. Repairs will be completed as quickly as possible. Family Promise of Waukesha County continues to work closely with our service partners in Waukesha County to provide shelter to those who are need during the coldest months.

Although our start date is not known we are still asking for congregations, groups, businesses, to sign up to make meals, become a volunteer driver, or provide support for families at the Day Center. Our sign up calendars are set for January 6, but admittedly that could be pushed back.

If you would like to learn more about volunteer opportunities you are invited to an online EOS informational meeting on Monday, December 9 at 6pm. Use this MS TEAMS link to join the meeting.

To confirm your interest in volunteering please complete the form by clicking the link below.


Supply Drive

You can also support the EOS by participating in our Supply/Food Drive. Please bring any or all of these items to Family Promise of Waukesha County on Wednesday, December 11 between 9am-noon. See list below.



In need of gifts for 26 individuals


We are still in need of holiday gifts for 26 individuals in our Holiday Gift Giving Project.

You are invited to sponsor an individual or family. As a sponsor you would be asked to provide gifts for the individual or family that you select.

On the sign up genius, each entry provides the gender, age and hobbies/likes for each person. The family number is also listed so you can see which individuals belong together. Review the list and then place your name next to the individual(s) you want to sponsor. If you want to sponsor an entire family put your name next to everyone in the family.

You can participate in the holiday gift giving project as an individual, business, congregation, family, or group.

Please use the following guidelines:

  • We will close the sing-up genius by the end of the day on Tuesday.

  • Register to sponsor an individual or family using the sign-up genius page. On each entry the gender, age and hobbies/likes for that individual.

  • You can participate as an individual, family or group.

  • Once you are signed up, purchase a gift that best fits that individual(s).

  • Use their likes/hobbies as your guide.

  • Please do not spend more than $100 on any individual.

  • We recommend four gifts for children and two gifts for adults.

  • Deliver gifts to the Family Promise of Waukesha County Day Center as soon as possible.

  • Gifts should be dropped off unwrapped, with a tag that includes the family number, age and gender of the individual for whom that gift is intended.

  • Gift cards can be purchased for an adult.

  • If you order a gift online you can elect to gave them delivered directly to the Family Promise of Waukesha County Day Center 139 E North Street Waukesha, WI 53188.



These gifts will be distributed to some of the families at a Family Holiday Party on Saturday, December 14 from 9:30am- 1pm. Volunteer tasks include helping with arts and crafts, food, or gift wrapping !

Unable to attend but want to support the party? Here is our wish list of items to ensure we have a successful event.

Questions? Please contact Courtney:



Seeking professional, compassionate, dedicated team members.


Family Promise of Waukesha County is now hiring. We are looking to fill four roles. Please share this information with those you know who may be seeking an opportunity to support families who are financially vulnerable. Click on the file to read each job description.

Candidates can apply by emailing a cover letter and resume to Joe Nettesheim.

The employment opportunities are:

Outreach and Fund Development Coordinator

This role focuses on developing resources and partnerships which allow our organization to fulfill its mission.

Shelter Diversion Coordinator

Build the foundation and structure for our new Shelter Diversion program.

Office Coordinator

Support the day to day operations of the organization from being the first point of contact for volunteers, clients and donors to bookkeeping, facility management and data tracking

Family Advocate

Work directly with families to set goals, address obstacles, make connections and assist them in escaping homelessness and secure permanent housing.



What word best describes your impression of how Family Promise of Waukesha County approaches fundraising? Check all that apply.

  • 0%Respectful

  • 0%Too Timid

  • 0%Too Aggressive

  • 0%Has a Personal Approach/Relationship based

You can vote for more than one answer.



Student homelessness increased 14% from 2020/21 to 2021/22


The National Center for Homeless Education released a report titled: Student Homelessness in America. The study reviewed data from the 2020-21 and 2021-2022. Some observations and statistics identified in this study are:

  • 2.8% of all students in the United States are experiencing homelessness.

  • There was a 14% increase in homelessness from 2020/21 to 2021/22

  • From 2004/05 to 2022/23 there was a 104% increase in students experiencing homeless in the United States.

  • Latino was the largest ethnic group experiencing homelessness making up 40% of all students who without housing. Black is 26% and white is 25%.

  • The four year adjusted cohort graduation rate for students experiencing homelessness is 40%

The bottom line is that student homelessness continues to increase. We invite you to review the report. Here is data for school districts in Waukesha County. This data is from 2022-23. Data for 2023-24 is most likely to be released in early 2025.



Welcome to new board member.


Family Promise of Waukesha County has added four new members to our Board of Trustees in November. We welcome: Dan Budde, Monica Murphy, Robert McCormick, and Julie Wiech. We are excited for all four new members as they are approaching their role with professionalism, enthusiasm, passion. Today we highlight Julie Wiech.

Julie graduated from Marquette University in 2008 with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting.  In 2016, she earned her Master of Business Administration from Cardinal Stritch.  Julie started her career working as a Staff Accountant for a Milwaukee-based investment advisor and then worked her way up to Accounting Manager at a global software company headquartered in Milwaukee.  She continued her accounting career at a local nonprofit as the Controller for all three of its agencies and is currently the Controller at American Deposit Management LLC in Pewaukee.  She also serves on the Advisory Board for the Wisconsin chapter of Playworks.  Julie has lived in Southeastern Wisconsin her whole life, and currently lives in Waukesha with her husband and daughter.

Thank you Dan, Robert, Monica and Julie for sharing your gifts with families who are experiencing homelessness.




The Family Promise of Waukesha County annual end of the year annual campaign continues. Our goal is to raise $150,000 before December 31, 2024. Our theme this year is A Place to Call Home. Having a home is an essential aspect of the stability of families and children.

What families need most this holiday season is: A Place to Call Home. A gift of any amount will help provide #Aplacetocallhome



Dec 9 Drop off gifts today or ASAP

Dec 9 FP Executive Committee

Dec 9 Staff Meeting

Dec 9 Housing Action Coalition Exec Committee

Dec 9 EOS Volunteer Meeting VIA TEAMS

Dec 11 Supply Drive 9-noon @ Family Promise Day Center

Dec 11 Shelter Weekly Meal

Dec 14 Holiday Party

Dec 16 FP Board of Trustees



Access our Threads account through Instagram



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