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This blog provides the top 5 highlights or updates about Family Promise of Waukesha County for Friday, June 16, 2023.

The Friday Five is a weekly update that focuses on the 5 main things happening at Family Promise Waukesha County. We also look for ways to advocate and educate about family homelessness. It is our hope that it will help you stay informed and connected to the mission of Family Promise of Waukesha County.

Our mission is to help low-income families and families experiencing homelessness achieve sustainable independence

through a community-based response.


The stories you can read this week are:



My piece of bread only belongs to me when I know everyone else has a share, and that no one starves while I eat. -Leo Tolstoy



We want our shelter to be a place of welcome and healing. This video highlights Kerry Morrison, a former business woman who started a nonprofit to serve those experiencing homelessness with radical hospitality.

"We do not need to spend more money, we do not need more bureacracy. We need to peel away all the things that create impediments to how we treat people and allow human kindness to come through." - Kerry Morrison

What is your opinion about Family Promise of Waukesha County pursuing our own facility for a permanent static shelter?



Order Family Promise Merchandise Before June 21

The Family Promise of Waukesha County apparel store is now open! Check out t-shirts, crew necks, men's and women's polos, and baseball caps. The store will stop taking orders in five days so make sure you select your items by June 21.

You can choose delivery to your home and pay for shipping or pick up at the Day Center without a shipping charge. Items will be delivered about three weeks after the order is placed. In time for the golf outing!



Case Manager, Callie Pauc, is Leaving Family Promise of Waukesha County

Case Manager, Callie Pauc, is departing Family Promise of Waukesha County after working as a prevention case manager since August 2021. Her last day will be June 28.

During her time at Family Promise, Callie helped grow and expand the prevention program. She brought a steady presence and professionalism to the role. Much of how we process applications and provide case management is due to her influence. Since finishing her Master’s Degree in May, she was pursuing a position as a clinical therapist. We are grateful to Callie for her commitment to the families we serve. She will be missed but we wish her nothing but the best.



Family Promise is Seeking a Permanent Static Site

The Community Shelter is going well after almost two months in operation. We are grateful to our partner organizations and their volunteers, lead volunteers, our staff, the Housing Action Coalition, and all who have supported this program financially. Our current shelter census is four families consisting of 5 adults and 9 children.

Our experience with the Community Shelter confirms our interest in purchasing a facility or land to remodel or build a facility similar to provide shelter to families experiencing homelessness. Thus far we have not found a space that is suitable. We are looking for a facility that would be able to accommodate:

  • Suites (bedroom(s), full bath, kitchenette, sitting area) to serve a minimum of 5-7 families.

  • Commercial kitchen

  • Cafeteria

  • Conference room for case management

  • Laundry facilities

  • Storage area for guests and volunteers

  • Office(s) for staff

  • Security system

  • Recreational area

  • Quiet area

  • Location near bus line, parks

If it could also offer apartments for transitional living that would be a bonus.

We share this with you so that you are aware of our plans and can help spread the word of what we are seeking. Often it is word of mouth that is most effective.



What is your opinion about Family Promise pursuing a permanent static site?

  • Great! Buy land and build a shelter and transitional housing

  • Go for it! I think you should remodel a facility.

  • Just use the Community Shelter a few months each year

  • Go back to the Apartment Shelter Program.



Youth group to volunteer at Family Promise. Do you have ferns or hostas to share?

St James Menomonee Falls Youth Mission Program Matthew 25 will be assisting Family Promise of Waukesha County next week. Groups of 6-8 middle and high school aged youth will be here on June 19, 21 and 22. One of their tasks will be to help beautify the grounds around the Day Center.

We ask your help. If you have some hostas or ferns, could you split some and drop them off in a pot at the Day Center (139 E. North Avenue) on Monday before noon. The kids would help plant them on the side of the building. Thank you!

We are excited to have Matthew 25 with us next week.


Thank you to all of our sponsors for the golf outing. We hope to add a few more hole sponsors. It is a commitment of $250 and your business, faith community, civic group or family is recognized with a sign at a hole.

Watch for ways to volunteer for the golf outing in next weeks Friday Five.



10% of all sales on June 20 will support Family Promise.

Shop the Mayhouse Collection on June 20 and 10% of all purchases will benefit Family Promise of Waukesha County. The Mayhouse Collection is a fun, compelling shopping experience with a well-curated mix of home, fashion, and gift collections.




Wednesday, June 21, 11am- 1:30pm - lunch provided

818 W Sunset Drive, Waukesha

You are invited to a bridging seminar sponsored by St. Vincent DePaul Society. During this seminar, you will have an opportunity to learn about and discuss the three economic classes, their unique perspectives, and how they impact our community.

A Home for Everyone

The Wisconsin Collaborative for Affordable Housing is hosting a conference titled A Home for Everyone , which will be held July 19 and 20 in OshKosh. The agenda features large group presentations from Helen Shiller former Chicago City Council member, Jeff Olivet, the Executive Director of the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness, Mark Horvath, Executive Director of Invisible People.


Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all those dads and father-figures who guide, protect and share their love and support with us. Dad's never doubt the importance you play in the lives of children. Statistics say that 90% of runaway and homeless children come from fatherless homes.

Juneteenth Day

Happy Juneteenth! Juneteenth is a federal holiday commemorating the emancipation of African American slaves. This is a great day to celebrate the core of our nation: freedom.



June 19 Board of Trustees Delafield Presbyterian - 5:30 pm

June 19-21 St James Menomonee Falls Youth Group

June 20 Shop Mayhouse Collection to Support Family Promise

June 21 Bridging Seminar - 11am-1:30pm - lunch provided

June 23 Brookfield Golden K Presentation - 9:30 am

July 4 Offices Closed

July 8 Our Savior Hartland Block Party

July 19 or 20 A Home for Everyone - Oshkosh

July 24 Family Promise Golf Outing - Oconomowoc Golf Club



You can also join our Facebook volunteer group to learn about volunteer opportunities.



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